Because Tonight We're Gonna Party: Keys 1996 - 1999

Because Tonight We're Gonna Party: Keys 1996 - 1999

Even though I know the number of the key I’m working on when I’m working on it

and even though I intentionally added something pink, sparkly, and “party” to the last key in this set so it would be in keeping with Prince’s song 1999

when I added the Number 1999 onto the photograph of this key I was like “1999”?



Wow. Can you believe it?

Key 1996 one side.JPG
Key 1996 other side.JPG
Key 1997 one side.JPG
Key 1997 other side.JPG
Key 1998 one side.JPG
Key 1998 other side.JPG
Key 1999 one side.JPG
Key 1999 other side.JPG
1999 - 5.jpg
A Moody Milestone: Key 2000

A Moody Milestone: Key 2000

Precious Finds - Keys 1990 - 1995

Precious Finds - Keys 1990 - 1995