Giving Thanks: Keys 2069 - 2076

Giving Thanks: Keys 2069 - 2076

I know I have a long way to go to get to 5000. And frankly I was hoping I’d be farther along by now. And some days I am not sure how to even begin. I have a lot of stuff to make keys out of. A lot. And I have a lot of ideas about what to try next. Yet still I stall in my efforts. But here are eight keys where I didn’t stall. Eight keys were I kept going. Grateful for the many key making things and key making gifts I’ve received.

Key 2069 one side.JPG

Other than the paintbrush shaft everything in this key was found on the streets and sidewalks near my house. I don’t typically use plastics for the keys but I do love the little girl magic of this one.

Key 2069 other side.JPG
Key 2070 one side.JPG

I love the lacy delicacy of this key - made mostly out of a recent bag of gifted jewellery.

Key 2070 other side.JPG

This key is actually quite large. It’s made from a found bracelet, a donated bracelet, part of a light fixture, and other bits from my supply collection.

Key 2071 other side.JPG
Key 2072 one side.JPG

This key reminds me of my dad. Something about the colours and the shape but mostly the because of the brilliance of the rhinestones. The gold/blue metal bits are from a pair of earrings that I had in the 80’s (via my dad) and the bronze numbers are page markers that looked like a good idea when I gave them to my spouse but ultimately held no practical use for him.

Sometimes simple is best. Lots of sanding and filing on this one to get the resin to look just right.

Key 2074 one side.JPG

I’m not sure what this glass end bit was originally for - a bottle stopper maybe? I found it on the street one day when I was out riding my bike. The duck bit is a magnet from my no longer going into because of the pandemic office.

Key 2074 other side.JPG
Key 2075 one side.JPG

Built around an Allen key - I was pretty happy with how this one came together. The round bit was from the road (it’s quite solid metal and possibly came from a camera) and most of the gold bits were from that recent gift of jewellery.

Key 2076 one side.JPG

The beads along the shaft of this key came from an old shirt. There was quite a bit of beading on the shirt and I’m glad I salvaged it.

Key Making Supplies are Everywhere: Keys 2077 - 2081

Key Making Supplies are Everywhere: Keys 2077 - 2081

Big and Little: Keys 2066 - 2068

Big and Little: Keys 2066 - 2068