Keys 436 - 440

Keys 436 - 440

Key 436 one side

Key 436 is made from a shuffleboard pole, a fancy red and gold bracelet, a red "diamond" Christmas decoration pic, two metal bits that I don't know what their real purpose is, and some red beads (some of which are still chained together).

Key 436 other side


Key 437 one side

Key 437 is made with a terminal coated with copper spray paint, a thin bracelet with green and copper seed beads, and a weird lock thing that came with a chain. On the one side: two roses from a crucifix necklace, two hearts (well three because one's split in two) from a bracelet, a bead from a necklace, and a leaf from a bracelet. On the other side: the chain and end piece that came with the weird lock thing.

Key 437 other side

Key 438 one side

Key 438 is made with a piece of shuffleboard pole, a bracelet covered in green cylindrical beads (I'm sure there's a name for these beads, I just don't know what it is - they aren't seed beads so maybe they are stem beads?), an earring, and an elephant that came from a belt. The elephant is shiny gold on the one side and covered in pink seed beads (I added those) and a leafy earring on the other side.

Key 438 other side

Key 439 one side

Key 439 is made with a gold painted terminal, a link from a fancy gold belt, and a butterfly pendant that is white on the one side and covered with gold and cut out hearts on the other side. This key also has a `pearl` and a chain on the one side and two pieces of a bracelet on the other side.

Key 439 other side

Key 440 one side

Key 440 is made with a terminal that has been painted white, chains from a heavy gold necklace and a bead. There's a fancy broach on the one side, a gold earring and a red jewel that came from the bracelet used in key 436 on the other side.

Key 440 other side


Keys 441 - 444 Belts, Candelabra, and other Sources

Keys 441 - 444 Belts, Candelabra, and other Sources

Taking Stock

Taking Stock